New Delhi. A court in Delhi has extended the judicial custody of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Manish Sisodia until 1st June in connection with the alleged excise scam and money laundering cases. On Tuesday, the court also directed the jail authorities to consider providing Sisodia with books, a chair, and a table in jail.
When Sisodia was being taken out of the courtroom, he commented on the Central government’s ordinance regarding Delhi’s services, stating that Prime Minister Narendra Modi “does not believe in democracy.”
Shocking misbehaviour by this policeman with Manish ji in Rouse Avenue Court. Delhi police should suspend him immediately.
— Atishi (@AtishiAAP) May 23, 2023
The Delhi government had implemented the excise policy on 17th November 2021, but it was revoked in September 2022 amidst allegations of corruption. Sisodia is one of the accused in cases registered by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) related to this matter.
Manish Sisodia was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on February 26 in connection with alleged corruption related to the preparation and implementation of the now-cancelled excise policy in Delhi for the year 2021-22.