Veteran actor Ashish Vidyarthi tied the knot for the second time on Thursday, marking a new chapter in his life. The actor, known for his remarkable performances in Bollywood and regional cinema, had an intimate registry marriage with Rupali Barua at a Kolkata club. The news of their wedding quickly spread, and now, pictures from their special day have surfaced online, capturing the joyous occasion.
In the photographs, Ashish can be seen dressed as a groom in a Mundu, a traditional garment from Kerala. Complementing his attire, Rupali chose a white and golden Mekhela Chador, a traditional Assamese attire. She adorned herself with exquisite golden jewelry inspired by the intricate designs seen in South Indian temple art. According to reports, the wedding was attended by close family members and friends, keeping the event small and intimate.
Speaking about his wedding, Ashish Vidyarthi shared his thoughts with the Times of India, stating, “At this stage of my life, getting married to Rupali is an extraordinary feeling. We had a court marriage in the morning, followed by a get-together in the evening.” The actor’s words reflect the happiness and contentment he found in this new phase of his life.
Rupali Barua, the bride, hails from Guwahati and is an entrepreneur. She is known for her upscale fashion store in Kolkata, which has garnered attention and praise. Ashish has been seen visiting Kolkata on multiple occasions, as documented in his vlogs. When asked about how they met, the actor chose to keep the details to himself, saying, “Oh, that’s a long story. I’ll share it some other time.” Rupali also briefly discussed their connection, stating, “We met some time ago and decided to take it forward. But both of us wanted our wedding to be a small family affair.” She further expressed admiration for Ashish, describing him as a beautiful human being and a great soul to be with.
Ashish Vidyarthi’s career in the entertainment industry spans several decades, during which he has portrayed diverse characters with depth and complexity. Known for his ability to immerse himself in his roles, Ashish has left a lasting impression on audiences. Now, as he embarks on this new journey with Rupali, fans and well-wishers are delighted to see him find happiness and companionship.
The emergence of their wedding pictures online has sparked warm wishes and congratulatory messages from fans and industry colleagues alike. Ashish Vidyarthi and Rupali Barua’s union represents a celebration of love, blending cultures from Kerala and Assam, and emphasizing the importance of finding happiness and contentment in one’s personal life.
As the newly married couple begins their married life together, their well-wishers eagerly anticipate the stories and adventures they will share. With Ashish’s talent and Rupali’s entrepreneurial spirit, they undoubtedly have a bright future ahead. May their union be filled with love, joy, and countless cherished memories. Veteran actor Ashish Vidyarthi got married for the second time