In a horrifying incident that has sent shockwaves through Maharashtra, a 32-year-old woman named Saraswati Vaidya was brutally killed by her 56-year-old live-in partner, Manoj Sahni. The crime took place in their residence in Mira Bhayandar, Thane. The police revealed that the accused had not only murdered Vaidya but also dismembered her body using a tree-cutter, further intensifying the ghastliness of the crime. This tragic incident highlights the urgent need for enhanced measures to address domestic violence and ensure the safety of individuals within relationships.
According to the police, the accused, Manoj Sahni, allegedly killed Saraswati Vaidya around three to four days before the incident came to light. After committing the heinous act, Sahni reportedly purchased a tree-cutter, which he used to chop the victim’s body into multiple pieces. The authorities discovered that the accused had then boiled the dismembered body parts in a pressure cooker. Subsequently, Sahni filled the remains into plastic bags with the intention of disposing of them. The police were able to recover around 12-13 pieces of the victim’s body from the crime scene.
#WATCH | Maharashtra | 32-year-old woman killed by 56-year-old live-in partner | As per Police, the accused Manoj Sahni killed Saraswati Vaidya 3-4 days back and after that, he purchased a tree-cutter to chop her into pieces. Police say that the accused boiled pieces of her body…
— ANI (@ANI) June 8, 2023
This shocking incident raises serious concerns about domestic violence and the safety of individuals within relationships. Domestic violence is a pervasive problem that affects countless lives worldwide, transcending geographic, social, and economic boundaries. While both men and women can be victims of domestic violence, statistics indicate that women are disproportionately affected. These crimes not only cause irreparable harm to the victims but also have a far-reaching impact on families, communities, and society as a whole.