Renowned actor Ashish Vidyarthi recently made headlines when he tied the knot with Rupali Barua in an intimate ceremony. However, the news of his marriage at the age of 57 sparked a wave of trolling on social media.
Undeterred by the derogatory comments aimed at his age, Ashish responded with dignity and challenged the stereotypes associated with aging. He emphasized the importance of companionship and personal happiness, reminding everyone that age should never be a barrier to finding love.
In the face of online trolling, Ashish Vidyarthi refused to be defined by societal expectations. He addressed the derogatory use of terms like ‘buddha’ (meaning old man) and ‘khusat’ (meaning undesirable) and questioned the fear associated with aging.
Ashish passionately expressed that everyone will grow old eventually and should not deny themselves happiness due to societal pressures. He encouraged individuals to seek companionship and love, irrespective of their age.
Ashish highlighted that his decision to get married again was a personal choice, driven by a desire for companionship and building a family with Rupali. He emphasized that he did not anticipate such extreme reactions from people, considering the value he has added throughout his life.
Ashish also revealed that he and his ex-wife, Piloo Vidyarthi, took professional help and engaged in discussions before their divorce, indicating their commitment to an amicable separation.
Responding to the trolls, Ashish raised an important question: Where are these commentators when it comes to providing care and support? He urged people to recognize that everyone, regardless of age, possesses the capacity to contribute and pursue their passions. He emphasized that individuals have the right to choose their own happiness, free from the judgments of others.
A Love Story Across Borders: : Rupali Barua, Ashish Vidyarthi’s new wife, hails from Guwahati and is a successful entrepreneur known for her upscale fashion store in Kolkata. Interestingly, both Rupali and Ashish’s first wife, Piloo Vidyarthi, have Assamese roots. Piloo is the daughter of the renowned Assamese actress Shakuntala Barua.