The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has initiated a probe into the “administrative and financial” irregularities surrounding the lavish renovation of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s official residence. This development comes almost two months after Times Now conducted Operation Sheeshmahal, which raised allegations of exorbitant spending by Kejriwal on the refurbishment.
According to reports, Saxena, an individual involved in the reconstruction of the Delhi CM’s residence, has purportedly exposed financial irregularities. The authorities have taken a keen interest in these allegations, particularly after it was revealed that approximately Rs 45 crore were spent on renovating Kejriwal’s official residence situated at 6 Flagstaff Road in the Civil Lines area of Delhi.
Operation Sheeshmahal shed light on the extravagant nature of the renovation. Significant sums of money were reportedly expended on superior wooden flooring, automatic sliding glass doors, and marble, along with other costly items, aimed at enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the Chief Minister’s residence. Times Now’s investigation revealed that Rs 88 lakh were dedicated to mood lighting in the official bungalow of the Delhi Chief Minister.
Media outlets have previously obtained images showcasing the entirety of the house. The official residence of the Delhi CM is a three-story building, covering an area of approximately 13,000 square feet, including a 399 square feet lawn. The rooms in Kejriwal’s residence are said to be spacious and equipped with modern facilities.
As per the report, the ground floor comprises a meeting hall, while the Delhi CM resides on the first floor with his family. The previous CM residence was demolished, making way for the lawn. Adjacent to the lawn, a new building has been constructed, as outlined in the documents. The expenditure occurred in six phases between September 9, 2020, and June 2022.
Further details regarding the expenses incurred on Kejriwal’s residence have also emerged. According to the documents accessed by the media, the total expenditure included Rs 11.30 crore on interior decoration, Rs 6.02 crore on stone and marble flooring, Rs one crore on interior consultancy, Rs 2.58 crore on electrical fittings and appliances, Rs 2.85 crore on the fire fighting system, Rs 1.41 crore on wardrobe and accessories fittings, and Rs 1.1 crore on kitchen appliances.
With the CAG’s probe into the administrative and financial irregularities surrounding the renovation, the actions and expenditures related to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s official residence will undergo rigorous scrutiny. The findings of the investigation are eagerly awaited, as they will shed light on the alleged irregularities and provide clarity regarding the utilization of public funds in this matter.