In a horrifying incident that has sent shockwaves through Maharashtra, a 32-year-old woman named Saraswati Vaidya was brutally killed by her 56-year-old live-in partner,...
In a bizarre turn of events, a woman from Maniabanda in Cuttack district, Odisha, finds herself in trouble after attempting to fabricate her husband's...
In a heartbreaking turn of events, the medical community mourns the loss of Dr Gaurav Gandhi, a prominent cardiologist from Jamnagar, Gujarat. At the...
Gangster Sanjeev Maheshwari, known by his alias Jeeva, was tragically shot dead on Wednesday within the premises of the Lucknow court in Uttar Pradesh....
The Balasore Train Tragedy, which shook the nation in June 2023, has prompted discussions and debates about the responsibility and actions of the Central...
The White House has dismissed concerns regarding the health of democracy in India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stating that India is a vibrant...