Chhatarpur Deputy Collector Nisha Bangre has tendered her resignation after being denied permission by the state government to attend the inauguration of her newly constructed house. Citing infringement upon her fundamental rights, religious beliefs, and constitutional values, Bangre stepped down from her position, sparking rumors of a potential political career.
In her resignation letter, Bangre expressed deep disappointment with the department’s decision to prevent her from attending the inauguration ceremony of her own house. She highlighted the hurt caused to her religious sentiments by being denied the opportunity to participate in a religious program associated with the event. Consequently, she believed that continuing in her role as Deputy Collector would compromise her principles, leading her to resign with immediate effect on June 22.
Following her resignation, speculations arose within political circles, suggesting that Bangre might join politics and contest in the upcoming assembly polls later this year. However, the former Deputy Collector dismissed these rumors as baseless, affirming that she had no such intentions or proposals from any political party. Bangre emphasized that her resignation was solely motivated by the denial of permission to attend the inauguration of her house, scheduled for June 25, which also included a significant religious event associated with Lord Buddha’s ashes.
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When questioned about her potential participation in elections, Bangre stated that she would consider any proposal that came her way. However, she emphasized that no such proposal had been presented to her thus far. Bangre clarified that her resignation had no connection to politics and underscored her strong objection to being prevented from attending the inauguration and the associated religious ceremony, stating that such behavior was unacceptable.
Nisha Bangre’s resignation as Chhatarpur Deputy Collector has drawn attention due to the denial of permission to attend the inauguration of her own house. The incident has raised questions about the protection of individual rights, religious beliefs, and constitutional values. As rumors circulate about her potential entry into politics, Bangre maintains that her decision to resign was solely motivated by the denial of permission and the subsequent violation of her religious sentiments.