Meet Mathira, the stunning Pakistani actress and model who is making waves in the world of Bollywood. Mathira has been generating a lot of buzz on social media with her bold looks. Whenever she shares her pictures on Instagram, they quickly go viral. One particular post of hers garnered a lot of attention and attracted trolls due to the caption that read, “Don’t expect me to wear a salwar suit.”
Mathira often shares her bold and stunning looks through photos and videos on social media. Each of her posts has the potential to go viral, as she consistently raises the temperature with her hot pictures. She has established herself as one of the top models in the world, with her full name being Mathira Ahmed.
Apart from being an actress, Mathira is also a dancer, host, and singer. She frequently shares her bold photoshoot pictures on her Instagram account, captivating her followers. Her bikini looks are especially popular among fans.
In terms of her personal life, Mathira got married to Punjabi singer Farhan in 2012. However, their relationship didn’t last long, and they divorced in 2018. They have a son named Ahil Rehman.
Mathira’s boldness and stunning looks continue to leave fans mesmerized, and she remains a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.