Former actress Sana Khan and her husband, Anas Saiyad, are basking in joy as they eagerly anticipate the arrival of their first child. Sana, currently in her last trimester of pregnancy, shared an adorable video on her Instagram stories on June 21, 2023, capturing a morning drive with her husband. The couple relished their quality time together, cherishing these precious moments before their bundle of joy arrives.
Sana Khan and her husband Mufti Anas shared a romantic video while having a wonderful time wandering together in the morning 😍❤️#sanakhan #mommytobe #pregnancy #etimestv #tvcelebritynews #muftianassayied
— ETimes TV (@ETimesTV) June 21, 2023
In the video, Sana Khan and Anas Saiyad appeared elated, expressing their excitement about the upcoming addition to their family. Sana, dressed in a radiant black burqa, exuded happiness as she enjoyed the serene morning view of the city. Anas looked handsome in a navy-blue kurta paired with stylish sunglasses, matching his wife’s blissful demeanor.
During a recent event on June 6, 2023, Sana Khan openly shared her excitement about entering the last trimester of her pregnancy. When questioned by a paparazzi about her journey, she revealed a mix of emotions, stating she felt both excited and nervous about this new chapter in her life. Sana emphasized the responsibility of caring for a newborn, considering it a gift from Allah, and expressed her prayers for the safety and well-being of her soon-to-be-born child.
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Sana Khan, being mindful of her baby’s health, mentioned her efforts to adopt a healthy lifestyle during her pregnancy. She embraced the rollercoaster of emotions that come with impending motherhood, acknowledging that it was natural for new moms to experience a range of feelings. She eagerly expressed her anticipation to meet her baby, eagerly awaiting the day of arrival.
When probed about potential names for their child, Sana Khan shared that she and Anas had indeed discussed name options for both a boy and a girl. However, she opted to keep the names a secret until after the birth of their child, adding an element of surprise to the joyous occasion.
As Sana Khan and Anas Saiyad continue to savor their final weeks before parenthood, their fans and well-wishers eagerly await the news of the baby’s arrival. The couple’s journey towards embracing parenthood is marked by their love, excitement, and a sense of anticipation for the new chapter in their lives.