In a momentous event steeped in historical significance, Sri Harihara Desika Swamigal, the 293rd head priest of Madurai Adheenam, will have the privilege of meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and presenting the iconic sceptre, ‘Sengol,’ on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Parliament building. The ‘Sengol’ is a symbol of great importance, as it represents the transfer of power from the British colonial rule to an independent India.
The ‘Sengol’ holds a significant place in the annals of Indian history. It was originally presented to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, on August 14, 1947, the eve of India’s independence. The sceptre served as a tangible embodiment of the aspirations and struggles of the Indian people for freedom and self-governance. Now, after more than seven decades, it will be passed on to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, symbolizing the continuity of India’s democratic traditions and the responsibilities of leadership.
Madurai Adheenam, one of the oldest and most revered Saivite mutts (monastic institutions) in South India, has been entrusted with the sacred task of presenting the ‘Sengol’ to the Prime Minister. Sri Harihara Desika Swamigal, the current head priest of Madurai Adheenam, is honored to be chosen as the custodian of this historic artifact. His presence and participation in this momentous occasion underscore the deep spiritual and cultural heritage of India, which plays an integral role in shaping the nation’s ethos.
The event, scheduled for May 28, will witness the new Parliament building being inaugurated with great pomp and grandeur. This architectural marvel, reflecting India’s rich diversity and democratic ethos, stands as a testament to the country’s progress and aspirations. The presence of Sri Harihara Desika Swamigal and the handover of the ‘Sengol’ to the Prime Minister during this momentous occasion will infuse the event with a sense of reverence and historical continuity.
The ‘Sengol’, represents the values of fair and equitable governance. It will shine near the Lok Sabha Speaker’s podium as a national symbol of the Amrit Kaal, an era that will witness the new India taking its rightful place in the world.
The ‘Sengol’ represents not only the transfer of power but also the hopes and dreams of a nation. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless freedom fighters and the vision of a progressive, inclusive, and prosperous India. As it passes from the hands of the head priest of Madurai Adheenam to the Prime Minister, it symbolizes the collective responsibility of the government and its leaders to uphold the principles of justice, equality, and good governance.
Sri Harihara Desika Swamigal’s involvement in this ceremonial handover exemplifies the harmonious blend of spiritual and civic duties that have been integral to India’s cultural heritage. It highlights the pivotal role played by religious and spiritual leaders in fostering unity, integrity, and the well-being of the nation.
As the world looks upon India during this momentous occasion, the presentation of the ‘Sengol’ by Sri Harihara Desika Swamigal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi will serve as a reminder of India’s rich history, its unwavering commitment to democratic values, and the profound influence of spirituality in shaping the nation’s destiny. It is a testament to the continuity of tradition and the shared aspirations of a vibrant and diverse nation as it embarks on a new chapter in its democratic journey.
This is how the #Sengol, the sacred emblem of authority, was kept in Anand Bhavan & labelled as a “golden walking stick” by Nehru.
After 75 years, it will be purified with holy water & rituals, & installed in the new parliament, next to the speakers seat 🙏