In a series of unfortunate events, the TV industry has been left reeling with shock as three actors have passed away within just three days. The latest news reveals the demise of Nitesh Pandey, renowned for his portrayal of Dheeraj Kumar in the popular show “Anupamaa.” The 51-year-old actor suffered a massive cardiac arrest at 2 am during a shoot in Igatpuri near Nashik, and it is believed that he passed away almost immediately after the incident.
Confirming the heartbreaking news, Nitesh’s brother-in-law, Producer Siddharth Nagar, expressed his grief and shock. He confirmed that Nitesh is no more and mentioned that Nitesh’s sister, Arpita Pandey, is in a state of disbelief and sorrow. Nitesh’s father has already departed for Igatpuri to bring back his mortal remains, which are expected to arrive later in the afternoon. The entire family is overwhelmed by the tragedy, and Siddharth revealed that he hasn’t even been able to speak to Arpita yet, given the overwhelming circumstances.
Siddharth himself is en route to Igatpuri, currently on a train journey from Delhi, as he received the distressing news. Nitesh, who was younger than Siddharth, was described as a vibrant individual, and there were no known prior incidents or history of heart ailments.
Prior to this, Nitesh Pandey was married to Ashwini Kalsekar, who is now married to Murli Sharma. Nitesh gained recognition for his role as Shah Rukh Khan’s assistant in the film “Om Shanti Om.” He has also appeared in several other movies such as “Dabangg 2” and “Khosla Ka Ghosla,” in addition to various TV serials. His recent works included notable performances in shows like “Indiawaali Maa” and “Anupamaa.”
During this time of crisis, we extend our support and stand by Arpita Pandey, Siddharth Nagar, and their family. The entire TV industry mourns the loss of Nitesh Pandey, a talented actor who made significant contributions to the entertainment world.