Kajol, the beloved Bollywood actor known for her infectious charm and grounded personality, recently shared some intriguing insights into her personal life. In an interview, she revealed that marrying Ajay Devgn, the love of her life, was a tough decision she had to make amidst the peak of her career. Despite uncertainties about joining the film industry, Kajol acknowledged that taking that leap became a game-changer for her.
Recalling her early days in the industry, Kajol reminisced about her father’s advice, warning her that once she embraced the world of films, she would be forever marked by the paint on her face. At the time, she dismissed the notion, believing she could easily shed that identity. However, time proved her father’s wisdom as she discovered the lasting impact and significance of her involvement in cinema.
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At the trailer launch event of Kajol’s upcoming series, The Trial, Ajay Devgn was asked if Kajol makes the most important decisions, much like her reel-life character. With a touch of humor, Ajay responded by playfully questioning the reporter, asking if they were married. He highlighted that the answer to such a question would be the same for any married couple. Ajay’s witty reply added a lighthearted moment to the event, creating laughter among the audience and online viewers.
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Delving further into their personal journey, Kajol disclosed details about her dating and married life with Ajay Devgn. The two initially met on the set of the film Hulchul in 1995, but they were involved with other partners at the time.
It was only after their respective relationships ended that their love story began to unfold. Kajol emphasized that marriage requires continuous effort and hard work. She emphasized the need to reinvent oneself and approach the relationship with a fresh perspective every day, accepting and learning new things about each other.
Kajol’s candid revelations provide a glimpse into the complexities of love, commitment, and the choices one faces in personal and professional spheres. Her story resonates with many who have had to make difficult decisions while navigating relationships and pursuing their dreams. As fans eagerly await Kajol’s upcoming series and continue to admire her on-screen charisma, her openness about her personal life adds another layer of connection and relatability to her enduring popularity.