The Odisha Police has expressed deep concern over the deliberate attempts by certain social media handles to give a communal color to the tragic train accident in Balasore. The incident has been marred by the spread of false information and rumors, which is highly regrettable and detrimental to the harmony of society.
The Government Railway Police (GRP) of Odisha is actively investigating the cause and all other aspects of the accident. As the investigation progresses, the Odisha Police earnestly appeals to all individuals to refrain from sharing or promoting false and ill-motivated posts on social media platforms.
It has come to notice that some social media handles are mischievously giving communal colour to the tragic train accident at Balasore. This is highly unfortunate.
Investigation by the GRP, Odisha into the cause and all other aspects of the accident is going on.
— Odisha Police (@odisha_police) June 4, 2023
The dissemination of baseless rumors and the propagation of communal disharmony through the spread of false information is unacceptable. It not only hampers the ongoing investigation but also disrupts the peace and unity among communities. To maintain social order, it is crucial that we all exercise responsible behavior and use social media platforms judiciously.
The Odisha Police emphasizes that severe legal action will be taken against those found guilty of spreading rumors and attempting to create communal disharmony. We must remain vigilant and united in the face of any attempts to sow discord in our society.
It is imperative for all citizens to verify the authenticity of information before sharing it and rely on official sources for accurate updates regarding the incident. Let us prioritize empathy, understanding, and responsible social media use during this challenging time.