Bhubaneswar: A major raid conducted by the Odisha Vigilance Department has exposed the hidden wealth of Bikash Chandra Bhuyan, an assistant engineer from the Cuttack Sadar block. The operation, conducted simultaneously at various locations, resulted in the discovery of a multi-storey building, seven prime plots in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack, as well as substantial investments in gold, silver, and cryptocurrency. Shockingly, Bhuyan had also spent a whopping Rs 1 crore on his children’s engineering and medical education.
The raid was executed after obtaining search warrants issued by the Special Judge, Vigilance, Cuttack. Vigilance officers meticulously combed through Bhuyan’s residence, his native village in Lehenga (Narsinghpur police limits, Cuttack district), and his office at Sadar Block in Cuttack.
The extensive assets seized during the raid include a luxurious double-storey building spanning 3200 sqft in the sought-after Soubhagya Nagar area of Bhubaneswar. Additionally, seven prime plots in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack were discovered, the details of which are currently under scrutiny.
Further findings revealed bank deposits totaling Rs 12.62 lakh, along with gold and silver jewelry valued at Rs 38 lakh. Surprisingly, Bhuyan had also invested Rs 1.23 lakh in cryptocurrency. The raid also uncovered the engineer’s ownership of a four-wheeler (Duster) and three two-wheelers, with a combined value of Rs 13.40 lakh.
The Vigilance Department’s search operation is still ongoing, with the technical wing assessing and valuing the seized properties. The magnitude of the engineer’s hidden wealth and extravagant spending on his children’s education has left authorities astounded.