Suraj Tiwari, a young man from the quaint town of Mainpuri (Uttar Pradesh), had his life drastically altered by a tragic train accident in 2017. The incident in Ghaziabad’s Dadri claimed both his legs, his right arm, and two fingers on his left hand. Suraj was left with physical disabilities that would have caused many to lose hope and succumb to despair. However, Suraj possessed an unyielding spirit and an indomitable will that refused to be defined by his circumstances.
Suraj’s journey towards achieving his dreams began during his arduous recovery at the hospital. Despite the excruciating pain and the emotional turmoil he faced, he never allowed himself to be consumed by self-pity. Instead, he found solace in books and intellectual pursuits. Suraj’s hunger for knowledge was insatiable, and he devoured every book that came his way. During those difficult times, he discovered a newfound passion for public service and the desire to make a difference in the lives of others.
As Suraj regained his strength, he resolved to turn his adversity into an opportunity for growth. With sheer determination and unwavering dedication, he started preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Exam—a highly competitive and rigorous examination that only a few manage to crack. Despite his physical limitations, Suraj remained undeterred. He sought assistance from supportive mentors, accessed resources, and adapted his study techniques to accommodate his unique needs.
Suraj faced numerous obstacles on his path. Simple tasks that others take for granted, such as turning the pages of a book or taking notes, became formidable challenges for him. However, he refused to be defeated. With the help of assistive technology and his unwavering spirit, Suraj devised innovative methods to overcome these obstacles. He used voice recognition software to write his answers, embraced digital tools to access study materials, and utilized adaptive devices to navigate the vast amount of information required for the exam.
Suraj’s perseverance and dedication gradually started paying off. With each passing day, he became more confident in his abilities. Surrounded by his family’s unwavering support and the encouragement of friends, he continued his journey towards his goal. Suraj’s resilience and commitment to his studies soon caught the attention of the wider community, inspiring countless individuals who marveled at his determination.
Finally, the day of the UPSC Civil Services Exam arrived—an opportunity for Suraj to showcase his knowledge, aptitude, and the strength of his character. As he entered the examination hall, his heart was filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. The grueling hours of preparation, the countless sacrifices he had made, and the challenges he had overcome flashed before his eyes.
Months later, the results were announced, and Suraj’s name appeared among the successful candidates. The young man who had faced unimaginable adversity had cleared one of the toughest examinations in the country. The news spread like wildfire, and Mainpuri erupted in celebration. Suraj became a symbol of hope, an embodiment of the human spirit’s resilience in the face of adversity.
Suraj’s achievement not only showcased his personal triumph but also shattered societal stereotypes surrounding disability. He proved that true strength lies not in the absence of physical abilities but in the power of determination, perseverance, and an unwavering belief in oneself.
Suraj’s story continues to inspire generations to come. His journey from tragedy to triumph serves as a reminder that with the right mindset, determination, and support, one can overcome any obstacle in life. Suraj Tiwari, the young man who defied the odds, has become an inspiration for all those who dare to dream and strive for success, regardless of the challenges they face along the way.
Suraj Tiwari’s father, Ramesh Kumar Tiwari, beams with joy and pride as he exclaims, “Today, I am filled with immense happiness. My son has made me proud. His courage knows no bounds. Even with just three fingers, he has proven that they are more than enough for him to succeed.”
Suraj Tiwari’s mother, Asha Devi Tiwari, speaks with admiration and love for her son, stating, “My son is incredibly brave. Suraj never surrendered to his challenges and instead worked tirelessly to achieve success in his life. He serves as an inspiration to his younger siblings, always encouraging them to embrace hard work and perseverance.”