In a significant development, the Tamil Nadu Raj Bhavan has announced that the state’s Governor, RN Ravi, has decided to remove V. Senthil Balaji from his position as a Member of the Council of Ministers. This decision comes as Balaji is currently facing criminal proceedings for moral turpitude and is currently in judicial custody.
The Governor’s office released a statement confirming the decision, citing the ongoing legal issues faced by Balaji as the primary reason for his removal. The statement emphasized the importance of upholding the principles of governance and ensuring the integrity of the Council of Ministers.
As a result of Balaji’s removal, his portfolio will now be allocated to ministers S Muthusamy and Thangam Thennarasu. The additional responsibilities will be added to their existing subjects, enhancing their roles within the state government.
V. Senthil Balaji’s removal from the Council of Ministers signifies the government’s commitment to maintaining transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in public service. The decision also demonstrates the administration’s dedication to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that individuals facing serious criminal charges are held accountable.
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It is noteworthy that the Tamil Nadu Raj Bhavan’s decision aligns with the principles of fairness and due process, allowing the legal proceedings against Balaji to run their course unhindered. The removal from the Council of Ministers does not imply guilt, but rather aims to preserve the integrity of the government and ensure the effective functioning of the state machinery.