Mumbai, the entertainment capital of India, mourns the loss of veteran actor Gufi Paintal, famously known for his portrayal of the iconic character ‘Shakuni mama’ in the epic television series “Mahabharat.” The 79-year-old actor passed away on Monday at a hospital in suburban Andheri due to age-related issues. His nephew, Hiten Paintal, confirmed the news and expressed that Gufi Paintal peacefully departed in his sleep at around 9 am Today.
Gufi Paintal had been admitted to the hospital for his deteriorating health conditions, primarily related to blood pressure and heart ailments. According to Hiten Paintal, the actor had been battling these health issues for some time, and though his condition was critical initially, he had stabilized in recent days. However, unfortunately, his heart eventually gave up, leaving behind a legacy of remarkable performances.
While Gufi Paintal had acted in several films and television shows throughout his career, it was his role as the manipulative and cunning Shakuni mama in BR Chopra’s “Mahabharat” that etched his name in the hearts of millions across the nation. His exceptional portrayal of the character brought Shakuni mama to life, making him a household name and earning him immense popularity and admiration from the audience.
Apart from his memorable stint in “Mahabharat,” Gufi Paintal also contributed to the silver screen with his appearances in Hindi films of the 1980s, including “Suhaag” and “Dillagi.” Additionally, he showcased his talent on the small screen with notable appearances in television shows like “CID” and “Hello Inspector.” Gufi Paintal’s versatile acting skills and his ability to bring depth to his characters made him a respected figure in the industry.
Gufi Paintal is survived by his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchild, who mourn the loss of their beloved family member. The last rites of the veteran actor will be conducted today at around 4 pm at a crematorium in suburban Andheri, where family, friends, and fans will pay their final respects.
As the news of Gufi Paintal’s demise spreads, the entertainment industry and fans alike come together to celebrate his contributions and remember his extraordinary talent. His portrayal of Shakuni mama will forever remain a memorable part of Indian television history, and his legacy will continue to inspire aspiring actors and entertain audiences for generations to come.