India’s top wrestlers, who have been engaged in a protest against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, a BJP MP and the chief of the country’s wrestling federation, recently had a significant meeting with Home Minister Amit Shah. The wrestlers, including Olympian Bajrang Punia, raised their concerns regarding allegations of sexual harassment against Singh. They demanded an impartial investigation and swift action against the accused. The meeting, which lasted for over an hour, addressed the wrestlers’ grievances and sought assurance that justice would prevail.
Wrestlers’ Plea for Justice:
The wrestlers, who have been protesting against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, met Home Minister Amit Shah at his residence in Delhi. Bajrang Punia, Sakshee Malikkh, Sangita Phogat, and Satyawart Kadian were among those present during the meeting. They highlighted the allegations of sexual harassment made by seven female wrestlers, including a minor, and emphasized the need for a fair investigation and appropriate action against Singh.
Amit Shah Gave Assurances to wrestlers:
During the meeting, Amit Shah assured the wrestlers that the law applies to everyone equally and emphasized that the legal process should be allowed to run its course. He pledged to ensure a thorough and unbiased investigation into the allegations. Shah’s words conveyed the message that justice would be served, instilling hope among the wrestlers who have been demanding accountability.
Legal Action and Denial of Allegations:
Two First Information Reports (FIRs) have been filed against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. One FIR is based on complaints from six adult wrestlers, while the other stems from the father of an underage wrestler. Despite mounting pressure and calls for his arrest, Singh has issued a defiant statement, refuting all charges. He has expressed his willingness to undergo narco and polygraph tests and has challenged the wrestlers to present evidence in court.